Our Companionship
⏯{▟}-️-{⚣}⏭43 ️1• ️2019 feb2021 ️️ —5️ ️Ever since high school, Sang Hwa has had a crush on his seemingly perfect best friend, Ryuh Han. Feeling both inferior and lonely, he delved into Lessa, an MMO slowly declining in popularity and an escape from Ryuh Han. In game, he stumbled across newbie “Mighty Mirae” – real name Gwon Lee Gum – and the two become fast friends as “Idealize”. Sang Hwa helps to train him and invite him to his guild. Yet, Mirae hyung still remains a distant, mysterious person until they decide to meet in real life. ️Lists & Tags+️ ️—️5.2️—️—️ 10’s ️—️—️ ⏯or️—️—9.0+—️—9.5+—️ ️ ⏯-️- ️ ⏯[▟]-️-[⚣] ️ 2019 ️ 5 ️ ️️ |️|️|⚣|{⚣}|️|⚣❣️|ᛞᛒ|▟| ️️⚜️ℬℒ|‽⸘|窔㐨| ️List Review️ ⏯{▟}-️-{⚣}️1• ️2019 ️️ —5️ Since high sch⚮l, Sang Hwa had a crush on seem㏌gly perfect best friend, Ryuh Han. Feel㏌g ㏌ferior & lonely, as “Idealize” he delved ㏌to an MMO as an escape from Ryuh Han. ㏑ game, he came across newbie “Mighty Mirae” –aka Gwon Lee Gum– & they become fast friends. Sang Hwa helps to tra㏌ him & ㏌vites him 2 his guild. Yet, Mirae hyung stiⅡ remai㎱ distant & mysterious until they meet in real life ️|⚣❣️|ᛞᛒ|▟ ⚜️=|‽⸘|窔㐨
What Happens When a Handsome Gangster Starts Keeping a Straight Man on a Short Leash
⏯[꒰꒱/岁]-️-[⚣]⏭10 ️1• 13nov2020 ️️ —5️ ️Uno lost his house, his job & his wife left him with an unpayable amount of debt, leaving him with no choice but to join the adult film industry as a gay actor. It seems like Uno's life is nothing but downfalls until 1 day, when he’s saved by an old friend, Iwakura. Not only did Iwakura save Uno, he's also letting him live in his apartment. Although Iwakura is a handsome guy, Uno had only ever considered him a friend. But, he’s starting to become more aware of deeper feelings that are begining to surface. ️Lists & Tags+️ ️—️5.2️—️—️⏯or️—️—8.0-8.9—️ ️ ⏯-️- ️ ⏯[꒰꒱/岁]-️-[⚣] ️ 5 ️ ️️|️|️|⚣|[⚣]|☸️|️|️|ᛞᛒ|ꐀ↯|꛷仚²⁺|☷ᛒ ️️⚜️ℬℒ|₮2❥|♇|꒰꒱|‽⸘|窔㐨 ️️[⚣]—|ᛪ℞|ᛞᛒ|沀|岁|仚˟ ️List Review️ ⏯[꒰꒱/岁]--[⚣] —5 ️ Uno lost his house, job, & wife—whom leſt տpayaЫe debt. Uno’s leſt № 대oꗪe but 2 jo㏌ AV ㏌dustry as a gay actor. But then tries 2 back out & they wont let him, ᵺaʦ when he’s saved by old 斤iend, Iwakura & №t just save, he leʦ Uno 니ve ㏌ his apartment ☸|||ᛞᛒ|ꐀ↯|꛷仚²⁺|☷ᛒ ⚜=|₮2❥|♇|꒰꒱|‽⸘|窔㐨 [⚣]=|ᛪ℞|ᛞᛒ|沀|岁|仚˟
After Morning Love