Yoai bdsm story.
Full colour
Sex scene. Censered.
Chapters: 58
It all started back in high school. Shinwoo is caught in a compromising position by his crush, Taesoo. And Taesoo doesn’t react well: “You’re dirty!” “You whore!” Cut to seven years later, and those insults have left a mark. Shinwoo can only get off on hardcore humiliation, the nastier the better. His clean-cut hunk of a boyfriend tries hard to satisfy those desires… but there’s something missing. Until Shinwoo attends his high school reunion, that is, and his first love comes back to bite him…
Traumatized in high school Shinwoo grows up to date a total sweet heart. Only Shinwoos into bdsm. He cheats on his lover, is an asshole and just sucks as a human all together. The live interests deserve better. Main character get everything he wanted in the end and sucks ass.
Love Bite