Baby, Sugar, Succubus
Both of them are so fucking adorable. I'm sad there's only 6 chapters I'm glad this isn't the type where the succubus is sucking the lifespan out... I would cry if it was(╥﹏╥) Anyways!! The lil tail was so adorableee And Leo really treasured our uke lol The chapter where he "helped" them so they could have penetration sex was fucking kinky. People who are into voyeurism nutted at that chapter I just know XD Also Leo is fucking goddamn hot omg istg. He can do me anytime and it would still be not enough Last read: February 18, 2023
Koishite kissshite kanjaitai
This is so fucking fluffy,wholesome, and cute! It's just straight up adorable!! (◍•ᴗ•◍) I just really wish there was more tho!! I wanted to see their baby!! Last read: July 29, 2023
Tamen De Gushi
The fact that this Manhua is now dropped is so fucking sad. And even tho the author probably wants to continue it they can't cause of the fucking Chinese government. They literally targets Manhua authors just cause of a little kiss between two girls instead of focusing on the actual fucking problems in their country... Hope the author has the chance to continue this wonder ful story again h
Sayonara Alpha
Still the cutest fucking thing I swear Last read: February 10, 2024
Egao no Ura ni wa