Little Ken and a Cat. Sometimes a Duck
Gintama dj - Kazoku-Gokko
Boku no Papa to Papa no Hanashi
I will never be able to express in words just how much I loved this story
Collar Kiss
I like this actually. I personally think that Haga(?) have indeed suffered alot and that he does deserve a happy ending of his own but I'd only be satisfied if he receives it after apologizing and regretting everything that he has done to Miki. I know that he has suffered alot and that event probably is the reason why he believed he can/should do those stuff to Miki but it doesn't excuse the fact that he basically did the same thing to him and he caused suffering to Miki. I hope that Haga receives psychiatric help and everything else cause I really have a soft spot for victims like him. I do believe the he still does need to go and pay for his crimes though. I personally would prefer jail time but Miki is the ome who decides so I dunno. I just hope he gets well bruh. Anyways I really liked this whole story and Shiori is fucking adorable and I wish there were more. I also don't think that Miki is cheating cause like my boy never even wanted to be in this fucking relationship anyways like he was literally just forced in it and couldn't get out of it cause of his second gender bruh. Anyways overall I still liked the story but would probably not read again since I'm unsatisfied with the ending lol
Dad, the Beard Gorilla and I