Kingyo no Ubugoe
It can be kind of weird for some people but i really loved the outcome. I loved the twisted personalities and the extra chapter was GREAT. I mean... the whole family thing is kind of messed up but i don’t think it was so unexpected, their relationship is odd since the first chapter
Color Recipe
I will just say Harada indeed is a genius. Every time i read her works I am captivated from the beginning until the end.
Stalker's Game
I didn’t think i would like this so much i actually did. This story was quite entertaining and i liked all the chapters, no exceptions. This is a great work and the art is pretty as well! Not fluffy but not too twisted, it’s really balanced. Saying this again, i really liked this for sure.
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Kokoro O Korosu Houhou
This was deep. And GREAT. But not happy at all, don't read it expecting any kind of fluff/happy things.
Deichuu no Hasu