The Director Who Buys Me Dinner
These two have to fall in love in order to break a curse. The last few chapters are heart breakers but end happy
Boku no Papa to Papa no Hanashi
Literally the sweetest possible. Oh my God, i love them so much. Just two men in love raising their kid
A Strange Joke
Bruhhhh why don't i get to see sehuns new man??? Also the end falls flat
Multiple couples, first and second couple great. Last couple idk i dislike it nothing made sense
Honestly love it all the more without the side stories at the end. It is a mix of drama, mystery, and suspense. The side stories really created a lot of plot holes
Doukyuusei (NAKAMURA Asumiko)
Was cute but like i wanted more. Most of it was then not spending time together
So gloomy boy who loves animals meets shining star. This is so fast paced though so it feels almost disingenuous
Our Companionship
Super easy read. It's a gangster relationship but it's so soft. Sanghwa just accepts that eegum is a gangster and likes him anyways.
No Arguing With Mr. Mo