Bloody Taboo
Bruh this shit is so lame. The plot makes no sense. Then suddenly the mc has a baby with the lead. I'm so confused and it's stupid.
Cherry Blossoms After Winter
Goes from shounen ai to yaoi as they grow into adulthood. Starts off as old childhood friends then moves to university students then finally follows them through adult working life.
A Lucky Coin
But of an age gap but not too much. There's a lot of crime drama but at the heart of it these two love each other
Invite A Wolf Into The House
Peach and Her Papas
I think the thing that frustrates me is had they just communicated their problems could have been avoided. Like if neil just told Dustin about the offer from his dad and pointed out that it could only benefit all of them then even if Dustin didn't like it he probably would have accepted it. The side stories honestly are better than the main story. They act like actual adults there v. Making me forget they were adults in the main story. It's finally done. The side stories saved it
The Cat Whisperer
It was really interesting but the end events came out of nowhere and was confusing af
Prince Bari
Honestly sickeningly sweet. Hate the jade emperor
Mr. Snail
AND THEY WERE ROOMMATES but seriously the end was weird like the last 15 chapters made no sense
Mistake Lover
They're all a bunch of himbos that have no idea how to communicate. But like they're relationships are actually pretty cool. I don't like though that no one told dongyeon what actually happened. I feel like he should know
Trace Of You