Truth or Dare
Amazing plot. But really stressful for me in the beginning. Only the end is when I'm okay. Now i want to see more of them when they are okay.
Don't forget that I like you
Very soft romances. But there really is a lack of romance once they start dating. Like we didn't even get a proper date
Spun Together
Both are actual soft boys who experienced trauma but learned how to fall in love with each other.
Where the Dragon's Rain Falls
There's a lot going on in this intense one. But like it gets very anticlimatic towards the end
Dream Away
Generally pretty good. No problem too serious.
The Sound of Your Voice
So god damn cute. So one has a super dark past, and the other has been judged his entire life. They really help each other to heal from their wounds and they honestly just develop their feelings at a very steady slow reasonable pace. The only thing is i wish we had gone more into jimmys past as that was only brushed on
Link and Ring
Oh lord. This was too fucking good. The communication, the respect, the genuine love, a realistic time line. This story has it all.i want a seven part series minimum. I absolutely love them.
Technically not shonen ai, but like its not really a sexy scene more of just showing them being cute as buttons. They honestly are so odd and quirky but they compliment each other nicely.
Lonely To Organdy