Lover Boy Manhwa
The thing I kinda hateish about these books is that at least one person has to die at the end. I just wished that they lived a bit happier and I know that's what makes it a git more realist, but it's sad. Other then that I liked this a lot! 5 stars!
I Do I Do
The only thing I wanted more was the Park's background because I didnt really know her family,but it was prettty good for the most part. Few twicks that I'd change, but it's minor.
Gakuen Alice
I wish there was more to the ending, like finding the Imai siblings. Wedding, kids, what happens to the school, and I wish it was just a bit more detailed, but I like how the story ended just wish for a bit more and I really recommend this manga, even though it may be a bit confusing at time, you'll mostly love it! <3 #Hunt4ImaiSiblings
Her True Color