Boku no Kawaii Stalker
Chapt 1-3: a stalker who was officially approved by the victim himself Chapt 4: senpai and kouhai who are assigned to feed the fishes in the science room. Bittersweet goodbye. No good end. Chapt 5: two children who are developing their friendship with "i like you, too"
Lock You Up
Older stepbro?..not even..they aren't family at all. Older stepbro tutors younger highschooler stepbro in an attempt to take revenge on...the mother..idk. thia is bad. Art is bad. Seriously bad.
Julian And Youth A Manhua
Two hamsters...the weak looking one is actually a devil in disguise (metaphorically).
Specters : Karma
Their powers can't hurt each other because they're each other's "karma" (aka fated pair)
Totsugimasen Kara!
Omegas from all house go to the main to train and whoever is the gets chosen as bride for the young master. It's okay...characters ae cute shoujo cute
Hello, I'm Your Stalker
Green head (very adaptive) got a loan from...a "loan shark"/assassin. Assassin actually liked him a long time ago but didn't want to have a weakness so he tried to kill him but mentally couldn't.
Kashiwagi Kyoudai no Renai Jijou
1-2: lil bro likes his bro but he never grew taller than his child frame...then suddenly he shot up 3: two virgin roommates celebrating the younger's 30th bday. They have been roommates for 20 for twenty years bc they liked each other...for 20 fcking years. If you turn 30 as a virgin, you become a wizard. Rainbows and flowers.
Hotel Ojakgyo
Uke & seme likes each other but isnt tigether. Seme(rich) fam has a party. Older bro tried to steal uke.
My Darling Signed In