Moon Child
Once I started, I couldn't stop!!! SO. EPIC. Beautiful not only the art the whole thing at first it was weird but *SPOILER ALERT* gotta comment, ne I CAN'T BELIEVE THERE WAS A BIT OF YAOI IN THERE LIKE HOW DID THAT WORK haha It's my second time rereading but I'm still super surprised. I do think Shonach and Seth were nice, but I also rooted for Shonach and Benjamin, since I find the love Art feels for her is fatherly. So the ending really shook me; so.. both guys suicided?? So was Jimmy a girl this wholeeee time? WHY didn't he [Art] take a bath with her? EVER??? BUT CHERNOBYL REALLY HAPPENED in real life !! ??!!??!?! Still loved it
Akatsuki no Yona
Yona <3 <3 still trying to understand why the names sound. Korean?
Norn 9 - Norn Nonet
I was stressed I had to remember all the characters' names
Soredemo Sekai ha Utsukushii
Never want Livi to grow up. They should just stay that way.
Dark Seed