Kedamono Kareshi (aomoto Sari)
Adorable <(^.^<) Want More xx
Kimi Ga Koi Ni Oboreru
Gahh, i love it do much. Great art and lovely story line. Hope there will be more xx <(^.^<)
FInder Pink Gold 4
Just one word to describe this......HOT! <(^.^<)
Jouzetsuna Yubi
This manga was so sweet! It melted away my heart xx <3 <3
one of my most favorite manga's!! love the manga and the anime version. tho the anime version does miss a lot out like the artist. but oh well still love them both xx Please update soon xx
Freezing Flame
Absolutely love this manga! one my most fave but wheres the ending? Please, seriously i want to know!
Hada no Ue no Renai Jijou
I love it! Love all the stories and will re-read!!
Hatsujou Kareshi
Love this manga! Loved every story! But you gotta love that baby tho.... 'Boobs'
Love it So much! Every character is adorable in my view and the manga's jst brilliant! One of my favorites for sure!
Bokura Wo Shihaisuru Kotoba