NugInABox's manga / #suicide(6)

At the End of the Road

Complete | Haribo | 2016 released

I honestly love this author. Their stories is really good and I love the art too. This one was super dark but I absolutely loved it. I feel bad about the boy that died from suicide for the mc to transfer to his body. And the irritation for the mc to tell the ML that he was the boy he liked in his past was high till he finally confessed lol. Definitely a re-read.

Suicide Boy

Ongoing | ParkGee | 2000 released

I di enjoy this manga, but just found out the author is a shotacon and was found with lots of child p*rn on his computer. The author also apparently draws NSFW of all the characters and of hooni (main character) getting raped. I don't know if I should continue reading this now that I know.... damn why can't I ever find a author that's non problematic

Blue Lust

Complete | Hinako (ひなこ) | 2015 released

Goodbye until time to meet you again

Complete | Konjiki Runa | 2000 released
2020-11-06 01:04 marked

I cant gove this any tags because i can't fucking think right now. They were laying on some tracks talking bout life then we find out the uke has a disorder where he can't touch other people. Then it goes to the uke getting raped bu his step father then killing himself not only in front of his boyfreind, the seme, but also a random dude nearby. THEN it gets fuckking wacky bro. The seme drags his dead body home, fucks his DEAD BOYFREINDS BODY then kills himself. What the fuck did i just read? I don't and probally will never fucking know.

Shinju Bl

Ongoing | aga naomi, anmin, anthology, ganpirou, kikunosuke, kirishiki tokico, koiwazurai shibito, kureta makine, nanabishi hiro, wakachiko,anthology, itz | 2016 released
2021-04-12 07:29 marked
Tags: suicide

Koukai no Nai Jinsei wo

Complete | avogado6 | 2000 released
2021-04-12 13:24 marked

This story is such an interesting one I don't even know how to express my thoughts on it. Basically it's about a boy(?) Who had committed suicide, and becuase he was the millionth person to die in that area, he gets to make a wish. He wishes to see how the people in his life are after his death, to which he find out that he truly had a shitty life and was surrounded by shitty people who did not care at all about him. The grim reaper takes pity on the boy and says if he wants he will still grant him a proper wish than just seeing what happened, but the boy declines, stating he always wanted to die, and was glad his death was not a burden to anyone. I.... understood the main character. I felt like, during the time when I was suicidal, you get to a point where you are just too tierd to continue. The feelings and pain you get with being angry and sad get too much to where it's just a pit of you feeling every emotion so much it's empty. Then having that thought pass through your head that 'nobody would care if I died' and that's what takes you over the edge. It's a morbid take on it, as this boy really didn't have anyone who would care, and you might feel a bit bittersweet about it ebcuase you killed yourself because no one cared, but you somewhat wished someone did care, but the burden of traumatizing someone with your death would be too much to bare. I think it's interesting that he didn't choose to be reincarnated either. He just wanted to move on, I bet he was tierd of always being in pain in that life, and being able to go to his next life without the memories of the pain would be considered a haply ending for him. I'd also life to say just hoe nice the grim reaper was, and how sad it felt to realize that even if it's just passing concern or pity, the grim reaper was the only being that cared and wanted him happy in the end. And thinking of that, it was more like when a person on the internet says 'it will get better, dont kill yourself!' It's a... nice thought but when you are in that mental state it feels preformative because they don't know YOU. And I believe that's another reason why the boy didn't take his offers. Overall a great one-shot thats very sad and thoughtful.