May Belongs to Me
Gonna go bathe in holy water now with a big grin on my face and wash my Jesus needing arse while I proceed to continue to read & enjoy these types of yaoi. God forgive me, this shit was cute as fuck.
Boku no Danna-sama
Wolf seme... Cat uke... Can't ask for more. /update vol 2!! Ahhh I love their kids, they're sooo cute! No steamy love making, but das okies I can wait AGAIN.
Kedamono Bitch
Slutty b!tch indeed! =-O Jesus lord have mercyyy.
Ashita wa Docchi Da!
Where to start??? Firstly, omggg so cute! So much love and angst! Suree the amount of confessing is an overload, but ehhh. 15 year old boys should NOT act that way holy jeezuz need moreeee, want moreee, plz thnk you.
3-pun Instant no Chinmoku
Step oni-chan! Can read it without feeling hella guilty (have read incest b4) because you know they're not related by blood. It's a bit angsty, but only when poor oni-uke is left all aloneee.
Seme: quiiick I've gotta confess my- "blow me!" Uke: This guy can't be seriou- "anything so you don't expose my secret!." What a way to get with your crush that you've been stalking since you were in grade 3 that deserves a gold the yaoi world that is lol
Fucked by My Best Friend
Really enjoying this one. The bestie is hawttt!
30 Sai Kara no Coming Out