Omae no Subete wo Ubau Made
Gotta love flashback yaoi's. They're extra angsty n delicious, plus there is more to the story.
Elektel Delusion
Still waiting for this to become a friggen anime series! Like come on, it's perfection!! The faces, the love making and the fighting! Urghh it needs to happen.
Megumi and Tsugumi
There is just something about a sexy arse seme with a not-so sexy arse uke (but what a body though unff) it's just too cute! Want more plz thank you. Update!! Yess these two are hella sexy n cute and I wanna see their babies!!!!
Romantic Pornography
Well that's steamy, uncensored and delicious.
Ashita wa Docchi Da!
Where to start??? Firstly, omggg so cute! So much love and angst! Suree the amount of confessing is an overload, but ehhh. 15 year old boys should NOT act that way holy jeezuz need moreeee, want moreee, plz thnk you.
Lucky Number 13
Fucked by My Best Friend
Really enjoying this one. The bestie is hawttt!
Chippai Kanojo to Bijin Kareshi
Can totally relate! My boobs are so tiny Really love this manga, it's so cute and funny :) Yet the bit in the shed after he almost got raped by men... Why would he force her to have sex? Like gee can't we have a strong female lead not get attacked for once? Yes its her boyfie but no deffs means no!