Hitorijime no Jouken
I don’t agree with my former self/comment lol. All these stories were cute and fluffy but I especially enjoyed the last one. I wish there was more of all of them. Loved the art style it’s so damned good~ I want more fluff. But more importantly I want a man who will smile gently and give me googly eyes when he looks at me too *_* a girl can dream~ sigh I did think sendou was gonna be the seme, but shit, get it how you can lol. They both said they didn’t know they had it in them until they got together so...get it, hit that, tap that. Lol I don’t really care that any of them were straight I mean that’s mostly how most of these go. But still pretty good stories. meh, it was fine
Mizu No Kioku
Okay I liked all of them. The brotherly one waaaaaas kinda weird. I mean how bad does it have to be for your to fall in love with your sibling? I think they weren’t related? Right? Cuz he said “my dad” and not just “dad” or “our dad”. So I don’t think they’re actually related. Which is good cuz incest ew. The last one with the gamers was too rushed. Like he confessed the guy ran away and then he uses a kiss as an “attack” and that’s okay becaaaaaaaaaause he used gamer lingo? No guy is gonna hate a confession and then let you kiss him so that was totally random. But at least all stories were happy go lucky. I enjoyed the read and most stories were pretty good. Not the best art or plot lines but they were one shots sooooo, They just weren’t one of the amazing and perfect one shots. Ah well. meh
The art was nice. I feel so bad because I couldn’t tell the two dark haired guys apart! I was like wait who like who and how whos mad at whole and oh shit! Another dark haired guys!? I can’t keep up! Lol. But the stories were okay. They were one shots so of course suuuuper short but not bad. I’d be annoyed if I had a sloppy and forgetful boyfriend too. Like how clean your shit up and cook for me! You ain’t gone just be a leech, fool! I liked the calligraphy one. Tres cute. i hate that they're SO SHORT. but the art's great, the stories are great, this mangaka is great, lol.
2-dome no Koi no Hajimari wa
The last few stories were super short and just kind of random. Like, oh, we fell in love this way and well... here we are now. Lol Stories are super short and no plot here! the stories were cute. short, but cute.
Soko Ni Suwaru Na
I liked the short story at then end, it was so man cute but I hate that they waited soooooo long to put their feelings into perspective. Blonde top!! Lol
Suki mo Kirai mo Jikangai
First story was....boring, second was meh, third was best but just okay. Really static, short, no real plot.
Kimi Note
Only thing is that the stories are way too short! I need more! 1st story: Too cute. If my man told me he wouldn’t stand for me belittling myself, I’d also proceed to hace sex with him immediately lol. 2nd story: cute bit TOO shooort~! I want their sex scenes~ 3rd story: I would’ve assumed too, so I totally understood, but I’m glad the problem was solved quickly. Yes senpai, kiss kiss~ Last story: loved it; be assertive! Be aggressive! “I won’t be able to stop myself from fu king you” Mic drop. Doors shut. Case closed. ‘Nuff said. You git ‘er done, boi
Karasu Ni Diamond
Omg it did it again! The 5th one made me forget all the happiness of the other stories! Great...now I have to go skim through them again. Okay, now I remember! I loved the first story, that crow was something else haha! I think his tattoo looks better when he has a shirt on but that’s just me. Honey, you can have certain intentions with me anytime you want. The second and third stories were kinda hard to get through. I get it, you guys are hella insecure. But there’s a point where your attitude and actions become controlling and manipulative and that’s alarming. The second story definitely took it there and although they did end up I guess realizing they like each other the way it came about was intense...all that depression and angst when really you could have just COMMUNICATED your feelings and moved on once Koma confesses he likes you too. The third story wasn’t as intense but that control factor is still there and I never enjoy those because controlling relationships are real and a lot of times they turn into domestic cases and that scares me. Just express your feelings, don’t just tell your partner to move away with you and not tell anyone where they are that’s weird and creepy as hell. Idk it just wasn’t intense in the way I like, so I think I’m better off just not reading this again. We’ll see what future me thinks. it was good, but the 5th one kinda took from the entirety of it. Like, i don't even remember what the other stories were about anymore.
Kiken na Otonarisan
Awww! Lol I actually want more of katakami! Now I wanna know where that otaku learned how to kiss so wet ;) the story itself was fine but it was pretty boring I mean I enjoyed the side story more. The doctor one did tick me off because I cannot explain to you how much I dislike tsunderes and how much the just irk my soul. I hate those types of characters I just can’t. The doctor was hot though...and also technically a pedophile. But we’ll let that pass this time. Basically...thotty uke meets straight man; uke becomes Loya al straight man “becomes gay”
Doutei Hitsuji To Abazure Ookami