Ways of Parting
The author did amazing with this story, well written and realistic.. I pity Ha Yoon have to make a difficult decision with his love life and career. I’m happy to see him get better after moving on from his relationship with his ex. I hope Taejoo will heal his heart and move on to find better someone. Kwon is just Kwon. Hope this ending will be happy after.
Hollow Lovers
I love the relationship between Chu and Ziming. I like that Ziming is respectful and considerate and Chu is a strong character. Good plot.
A Painter Behind the Curtain
I am speechless. This is such a masterpiece story. I was struggled to keep up with frustration drama, but I’m happy that I did, because the ending is perfect. Honestly, I don’t know how to feel about Merchant after he put Ian to suffering with love problems. God, poor Ian. I’m happy to see him happy with merchant that’s all matters.
Wild City