Queen Cecia's Shorts
Lestan was rejected Planning trip to south (duke too) Duke saw the rejection and thinks your might like men or is in a relationship with lester @65 going to south with first cramp girl Duke backstory how they started being friends @70 period cramps . got caught by girl and found out she is a women. Another one found out too..is it grace and hes hiding? @106 queen considers yuri fir mating 126 At party made in new slums by duke She will wear dress and dance 135 She opened her school and soon marry? Queen wears shorts to party
@25 won sparring match Yohan knows about sponsor Mc doesn't know the real name of sponsor and that he slept within in bunny costume before
Incidentally Dyed By Spring's Love
@28 was good but my break was too long
Senya Ichiya - Shitone no Himegoto