Love or Hate(Yeongha)
I don't know how I feel about this, I literally completed reading this in 2 days and I am having some complex as fuck feelings. I like all the characters. They are very raw and real. I don't know who to ship with who, although maybe I am leaning a lil towards Taku and Haesoo. I didn't like Joowon at the beginning and was all for the new guy but damn his character development blew every other character away. He is the most flashed out one right now. But I somehow still prefer Taku, possibly cause I always had biases towards the 2nd guy when a love triangle is involved but also because I like that he encouraged Haesoo towards his passion, I think that's one of his best redeeming quality with all his other flaws. He brought change and Haesoo began to write, as someone who writes and has been unable to write because of the biggest rut. Frankly I found the encouragement from Taku so warming. He bought change in Haesoo and that's wonderful, as Haesoo was in a really big rut and seriously depressed af. Not that he is not anymore but at least he is trying to change himself. It's slow, this progress but at least there would be some. Although, I kinda already see Joowon and Haesoo ending up together. I do hope they flash out Taku and also Haesoo a bit more. I probs would end up heartbroken no matter who ends up with who cause I do genuinely like all the charas. Do hope from what I am reading from spoilers in the comment section, there won't be a cliche twist such memory loss. That would kill this really.
It was pretty good. But I still don't like how most of his family got scot-free. Like his asshole Mom, Big brother and even little brother who outed him and is practically sorta using him for money. Like I get the lil brother didn't have any ill intention but he did cause the whole shit. And he never said sorry!!! And even had his brother that he caused so much grief pay for his school. Without ever apologizing or facing consequences. I can completely hate the other family members and not expect anything from them but the lil bro, he is passively sorta shit as well.
Path to You