Shounen X Cinderella
its a cute overload...i just want to take them home
Nil No Koi☆mahoujin
this is my new favorite making itself number one on my list of cute romantic mangas......i think im going to cry tears of joy...i think im in love
Sono Te Wa Atatakai
Get Love!!
this one shall forever be in my memory....they were so cute
Ookami Nanka Kowakunai!?
i dont like that last story but the rest as so cute and i love how she silenced everyobe by yelling and braking the glass with her voice
Momoiro Heaven
i went a whole day without sleep finishing this only to get a dramatic to be continued...this story had me on the edge of my seat tge whole glad she lost her virginity tho
Suki da Nante Ienai
i wish some random cute trasfer student would come hug in the middle of class...only to find out that he was some boy from my past...i love this story and it had the perfect ending
Kimi No Karada Ni Koishiteru!?