Sleeps In Sunbeams's manga / #wholesome(7)

Come to Hand

Complete | Sei | 2000 released

You can feel the love the author has for these characters. Music teacher Miharu and tattoo arts Arashi are two gentle and kind guys who you wouldn’t expect have much in common, but as their story unfolds their honest warmth and growing attraction for each other is so believable that you keep praying no nasty drama ruins things. It’s a real talent to have such a character focused story that is this engaging without adding trope to fill the quiet moments. I loved this story, it was simply beautiful. One to buy.

Service Time ga Owaranai

Complete | Yamada nichoume | 2019 released

Puppy like Nanbu-kun acquired a rather unusual ability 5 years ago. Calling it the LuckyPervert, Nanbu has the uncanny knack of tripping, falling, stumbling and bumping into erotic positions with others. When he accidentally drenches office worker Agano-san with a hose it’s a mutual instant attraction for the both of them. How could Agano resist the adorable Nanbu when every time they meet they stumble into an accidental greeting hug? How could Nanbu resist the beautiful Agano whose laugh and gentle humour made even his Lucky Curse bearable? This funny story was full of awkward moments, hot kisses, and stunning art. Falling in love has never been so literal.

Papa Is A Bride?

Complete | JUNG I-lu,KIM Su-jin | 2000 released

Yu Jin Gong is a young sales rep with a brightly engaging personality. Lee Hyundai Do is 10 years Jin’s senior. An extremely successful businessman, the recently divorced father is struggling with adjusting to sole parenting of his 10yo daughter Jena when he meets Jin for the first time. Mistaking Jin for a pedophile (twice) their relationship is off to a bumpy start, but the serious Lee Hyundai Do is swept gently into the warmth of Jin’s life in this lovely, wholesome story.

Kimi no Sumire

Complete | Arima Arashi | 2020 released

Special. This was a standout story. Beautiful characters, amazing art and a lovely, romantic story.

Secret XXX

Complete | Hinohara Meguru | 2016 released

A full follow up to the oneshot XXX Allergy. Back with Mito and Shouhei (and their rabbits) as they deal with some of the inevitable things that come with being a new couple. Once again a fluffy, feel good story with beautiful art and adorable characters, this is definitely one to read and reread.

Subarashii Kiseki ni Yasashii Kimi to

Complete | Yusen Atsuko | 2018 released

A wonderful Yaoi that ticks all the boxes for adorable characters, great art, romance, sexy scenes and still having a fluffy, wholesome vibe. Socially awkward and a classic nerd, Enoki is anxiously recruiting for his engineering club. The short little 1st year student catches the attention of the school heartthrob, fellow 1st year Shirataki who was seeking something new. The tall, sporty “normie” joins the club and an unlikely friendship based on mutual admiration slowly develops between these polar opposites as Enoki’s bubbly kindness breaks through Shirataki’s aloofness. It’s really a great story with some lol moments sprinkled throughout. Highly recommended.

Futari de Papa Hajimemashita

Complete | NIGARI Shio | 2000 released

If you need to read a heartwarming, fluffy feel good kind of story, then this is one you can’t go past. 28yo Nogi Shinjiro has returned to Tokyo after being in America for the past 2 years. When he runs into Aoyama Yuki (28yo), he is stunned to see that the man who rejected his confession has a child. When Yuki needs Nogi’s help he is warmly supported by his old friend. How can Yuki resist his chance of happiness?