Boku No Mama Chan (43) Kaihatsu Nikki
Ridiculously adorable! I loved the obsessive tendencies of the seme, and his hot stories were irresistible for Mama chan. Plenty of sexy scenes and lots of lols, this was a load of fun to read.
Sofure Buka!
The main story between a boss and his subordinate was very cute. These guys entered into an agreement to sleep together (no sex, just much needed sleep) but soon developed some forbidden feelings. There is a lot to deal with like an ex girlfriend and the demands of work, but despite that these two make something special.
Chou to Hana no Kankeisei
All these stories were good, but the main story about puppy like masochist Hanada Sakutarou, and the insouciant sadist Chouno was simply *chefs kiss. Be sure to read the prequel first; Chou to kumo no su. I loved their dynamic. Chou was a pure caretaker, the perfect S to help Hanada safely push his M boundaries. Given his background, it’s even more special that he was able to be true to his own nature with his loving partner who was so responsive to his touch. Plenty of kinks, sexy and hot with sweet aftercare. Loved it.
Konokoi wa Unmeijanai
Designer Tsukamoto and ex delinquent turned printing master Seto are the MCs in this enjoyable manga set around a printing house. It’s a gay x straight guy story with a nice twist in that Seto is totally ok with the gay scene and is in no way judgemental. I like the sparks that fly between two creative MCs and the friends and ex’s that fill the story are all entertaining in their own ways.
Mada Ai ga Tarinai