Ikujinashi no Shiawase
Loved most of these, especially the shop owner/landlord and the vampire stories. Even the perverted cousin messing with his drunk, sleeping cousin was surprisingly enjoyable despite the dubious consent. But the violent rapist host club owner was abusive and obsessed, and not even a good kind of obsessed, but a horrible, controlling and thoroughly selfish kind. Zero tenderness = bleh
Lucky Item
Great to see the guys from Fingertips again here. The MCs in this story were interesting but I found their relationship mostly unsatisfying as throughout most of this they had more of a cold, physical sexual transaction than a caring one.
No physically close moments, yet this was still a good oneshot if only for the ideas of the story.
Close Your Eyes (inariya Fusanosuke)
So much potential squished into a oneshot.
Dragon Crime (Eyeshield 21)