Sleeps In Sunbeams's manga / #Masturbation(2)

Koibito wa Hatsujouki

Complete | kamon saeko | 2008 released

This manga has a real variety of stories in its collection. Some are awesome, especially for oneshots, with ideas you would like to see continue, kinky touches and lewd men. Read and see which ones you like. A Devil In The School: New sensei and scary son of yakuza student. Is sensei being intimidated by his student or is something different happening? Home Tutors Cannot Fall In Love: Tutor Akimasa-sensei gets a surprise confession from his quietly stoic student Natsuki. The only way for the free spirited tutor to avoid entanglement is to make an impossible proposition. But what happens when he sees the sweet insecurity that Natsuki’s serious face hides? Has he ruined everything? Masturbating Together: Nao has a naughty secret that his friend Shinichi discovers. Now they share an even bigger naughty secret. Super-sized Juliet: Tiny Shinobu was used to being adored and protected. But a recent growth spurt has left him struggling to get used to being the class ‘Romeo’. When he tries on the costume for Juliet he is discovered by one of his former admirers and treated cruelly. What is happening and why is someone he considered a friend being so heartless? My Lover In Heat: Jiro, the dog turned human goes into heat. This is the only time he can have sex with the human he loves, Kiyoharu. But Kiyoharu is feeling uncertain.. The Real Man: Yuusuke is having trouble finding a man who is top enough to be a leader in bed. If only he could find someone with a noble and arrogant attitude. Someone forceful and selfish. Someone who can master his body. Someone like Chuck?! The Weekend of a Man Without A Boyfriend (chapter 6 continued): Masturbation needs imagination. Bride Of The Red Dragon: Kaoru is on business in China. While there he looks to buy a ruby engagement ring. Lee Tian Jie, proprietor of a jewellery store, offers a chance to try on the stunning ‘The Blood Of Nine Dragons’ ring, an exquisite blood red ruby with a legend attached.

5 Seconds

Complete | Sachimo | 2000 released

Warning: Sex with violence, blood Do not expect this to be the mangaka’s usual works because in this bunch of short stories, the mangaka explores darker themes. 5 Seconds: The longest story (Chapter 1 & 2 and final chapter) with Hayato and Terada. Hayato has an hereditary ability that triggers when he holds a gaze for 5 seconds. He has tried to hide it from his childhood best friend because he doesn’t want to spoil him with a power that he hates. But when Terada finds out he doesn’t run from his friend..This was my favourite story and the sweetest of the group. The Way To Nurture Love: Identical twins reunite at a gay bar where Yuuichirou (who had run away from home) cross dresses as a girl. Keiichirou is conflicted with the reunion, realising that the brother who looks just like him is still so different in every way other than appearance. Moving in together these two became increasingly close. I didn’t really bond with the twins, it made little sense why one ran off with no contact with the brother he obviously cared for and tbh I didn’t get any real feeling of intensity that would justify their move to being lovers. Even with the “only you can” comment, it was a little underwhelming for me. Too: Stalker Kudou imitates the unsociable loner on campus, right down to the brand of shoes he wears. Each are aware of the stalking, but there are no confrontations or reports to the police. But when he makes a change he gets more attention than he anticipated. This story was interesting but it needed more chapters to do it real justice. We get to see the trigger, but when did the stalking actually start and what happens next. The ending was really not a good place to stop. Itai No Itai No: Easily the darkest story, this was perhaps too sad for me to find erotic. Rei, the “ordinary” one in the trio of friends had terrible childhood experiences that twisted him into someone definitely NOT ordinary. Yet like many a psychopath, he seemed so very normal. The picture he drew in the room with his mom was revealing and again, too sad for me. The friends who were masochists seemed so normal with their kink, but Rei, it came from a darker place. It made the story really interesting but seriously not (in any way) erotic. A story like that needs to be much longer to go from damaged child to darkly sexy guy. Just coz you put someone in an erotic scene doesnt make it erotic. Mushuusei No Ohisama: The AV story, my least favourite by far. I just skimmed it tbh, I don’t like seeing sweet young friends in the beginning ending like that. Not my kink and not fond of AV stories often anyway. Only read one that I liked.