Yasaotoko to Sadistic
From school bully to obsessed stalker, Yoshinori spends his days secretly following Takasae. But when the object of his obsession finds out he is being stalked by an old nemesis, Yoshinori’s persistence may be the only way to change things from a one sided love to mutual affection. Sweeter than you would think for such a theme, with elements of kink thrown in for extra fun, this was a really good story.
With Your Tail, Yes!
Supernatural short stories with beautiful art. Should be a winning formula but some of the stories were ‘bleh’. I really liked both snake stories, especially the last one. They had some humour and in the case of the last one, some power in the relationship for the uke. The goat and carnivore story was my least favourite (which was so sad because the seme was such a good looking character). There was zero affection, pure sex and not even much in the way of the caring you would hope to see from the seme in a S&M dynamic. Felt entirely non consensual even if the airhead uke had enough masochist tendencies to be sexually satisfied, when all he asked for was to be held gently the seme found his request boring and ignored it. That’s an abuse of power dynamic, not a good S&M relationship. Sucked.
Hard Core Heart