Kataomoi To Parade
Loved these stories.
Sukiyanen Kedo Dou Yaro ka
Beautiful art, adorable MCs; these two stories were so cute and full of good feelings. I preferred the first couple, there was something that really touched my heart how they ease each other’s loneliness.
Kyouju to Shitsuji no Shizuka na Seikatsu
These stories were both really cute and the art was top shelf amazing. I liked vol. 2 of the first couple best because it had way more deep feelings between the two and it was nice to see the side of the seme that treasured Haruki.
Narippanashi no Ai no Kane
Three interconnected stories set around a yakuza group. They are all fun reads with beautiful art but my favourite would be the first story of reuniting friends and a large debt.
Kataomoi Limited
These sisters both have such a sweet love story, this is totally worth a read.
Honey Wolf Come Here
A cute story of losing your crush to your best friend and stumbling upon a puppy dog guy with an inner wolf that changes your world. It’s never nice to have the guy you like fall for another. It sux big time when the one he starts dating is your bestie who knows about your feelings. Luckily for the FMC here, a sweet guy she met in the park ends up crossing paths with her again and sweeps her off her feet. But what about her friend? She gets her own chapter too
Vanilla Chocolate Cigarette
A lovely slow paced story set around 4 guys in a small town. The mangaka was a maestro of the slice of life style of writing that makes you feel part of the community and events unfolding. It was so grounded it often felt like the characters are nice friends you know irl.
Orikou Yaju Niwa Aragaenai
These two couples were beyond adorable, they were just so cute. The first pair with the novelist and teacher was my favourite. Watching Shun-san start enjoying himself and laughing with friends was sweet by itself, then adding his adoring gentle beast made for one of those feel good stories I always live to find.
Heart no Kakurega