irishd1988's manga / #LngTrmRlationshp(8)

Hitorijime My Hero

Ongoing | ARII Memeko | 2012 released

More Tags: 'd the Anime Liked Anime Art More than Manga Art Adapted 2 Anime Cooking Housekeeping Neglect(ed) Pup(s)/Dog(s) Kitten(s)/Cat(s) Secret Relationship Secret(s) Discovered/Revealed ↑Skilled Fighter Angst Floundering w/Feelings Self-Relian(t/ce)


Complete | Mitsuaki Asou | 2000 released

More Tags: Commitment/Rings/Marriage Attack/Attempted-Rape Injur(y/ies) Burn(s) Scar(s) Flashbacks--Childhood Flashbacks--H.S.

The Maid and the Vampire

Complete | yujeong ju,seon lee | 2000 released

Love Me Doctor!

Complete | Ana | 2019 released

A •Meet Up⇨Hook Up⇨Break Up⇨Make Up• Story (Have) Sex→(Get) 2gether→Break-up→Make-up→2gether (4Ever) •••Tutor/First Love ends up being the Player-Doctor College/Uni-Boi goes to for Treatment of his *Sexual Dysfunction* •••Boi doesn't recognize Doctor but Doctor recognizes Boi--and says nothing •••Doctor uses *Highly Suspect* practices to *Cure* Boi •••Doctor and Boi start a relationship outside Doctor's office--and discover they have *Real Feelings* 4 e/o •••Boi discovers Doctor's *Real Identity* (that Doctor recognized Boi from the start, and that he's got a *Very Bad Reputation* [Player]), doubts Dotor's feelings, thinks he's being played, and they break up •••Player Doctor and Boi are both *Brokenhearted*, realize they e/o and get back 2gether •••Couple is still 2gether (Cohab) post Boi's graduation and entry to workforce w/Post-College/Uni After-Story Bonus Material (--Adult Hyuk is *Hawt*!!!)

See you later, Mermaid

Complete | HAYANE Dento | 2019 released

His Little Amber

Ongoing | Natsume Kazuki | 2000 released

Guardian/Caretaker and his Charge's relationship evolves into romantic /rs Man (ex-yakuza, widower) finds and brings home (what he believes to be) a young, injured leopard/panther (kitten) ...and ends up taking care of/"raising" him. ...Six years later, the leopard-shifter experiences his first heat... Shifter confesses his love for his guardian/caretaker... Shifter wakes one morning (feeling weird) to discover he can't shift--just as his brother appears... Shifter's older brother (and the older bro's lover) explain that the shifter is an angel and that he's there to take his little bro "home"―now that his six-year punishment (as a shifter, alone on earth) is over. Guardian and shifter run away from bro and bro's lover (the angels)...