Banana Scandal
once again. like viewfinder... here I am. skipping the main story and reading the second lol. can I just say tho how much I love them both?(I love yeonwu the most however haha just find taehwan insanely attractive) its a shame how some people are mostly submissive so they'll like taehwan more cuz youre missing out !!! yeonwu is so cute !!!! and them together. cute cute cute cute !!! I cannot wait for taehwan to start liking yeonwu and be all blushy and nervous trying to make up for how he treated yeonwu so harshly at the start ahhhh. bj alex feels haha.. oh while we're on this topic, I hope yeonwu would get taehwan jealous. mhm yes the old jealous tactic, it works every time and is always so satisfying to see the asshole fume in jealousy hahaha go yeonwu !!!!!!!!!!! HELLO IT IS CURRENTLY FEB 13 7am and I am going to sleep soon BUTTT I JUST SAW THE SPOILERS/RAWS. I AM SO EXCITED AHHHHH ALEXXX I LOVE HIM. using my great 20/20 vision eyes hes also the same guy who saw them fucking in the car too huh. anyways. love him. hes cute and hot. like that look he gave yeonwu when he wrote the number. I am also using my great skills again to guess that taehwan will see the number on yeonwu's hand and be all conflicted cuz hes jealous hehe
Caster & Mild
everybody BUT the first couple. I just don’t like kei lol and their story was really bland and boring. no depth or anything the guy liked and loved kei after knowing him for two weeks. kei probably still doesn’t like him either and it just feels really temporary.
Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku