BJ alex
To be honest, at the beginning I didn't think it really was that unique, I've read story's like this before, in the middle I was really upset because I thought It would end like a lot if the others I've read, where they just say sorry I love you and the whole thing is forgiven forgotten, but kinda at the end of the middle I realised that It wouldn't for once end like that and they really talk thing through and work on ther communication. I felt so happy about it. So at the end I can really say I know Unterstand why everyone praises this Yaoi so much. And I really like the side couple and their little story.
Taming the Tiger
This was honestly so fucking beautiful, that ending though. That ending hurt so much yet made me so happy for them. Omg I cried so much reading those last few chapters. This was so beautiful, one of the best I've ever read.️️️
Interview with a Murderer