Tale of the Yellow Dragon
i would give this six stars if i could. its so beautiful also wow
Lady Rose Wants to be a Commoner
this is a GREAT story w a lot of complexities. love her the same way i love kyoko from skip beat like 100 chapters ago
The Man in the Mirror
Rix Vanus
great storyline for once lol edit, lost a star for an excessive rape fixation. i didnt read any of it, skipped ahead to the healin and recovery/falling in love arch and then had to skip fir ANOTHER rape arch and skipped til this current heart break and separation leads to reunion arch. chile wait lemme take offf another star cuzzz this is a bit much, yeah? ok im deep in the reunion arch. none of the noncon was w the leads, and then they actually erased the quesionable age thing by rebirthing one of the characters and bow theyre falling for each other in slo mo with out all the trauma. literally skip all the beginning part sksksk. currently ch 149
Kami Tori Yawa