Nise no Chigiri
Mana is a ordinary high-school student who somehow travels through time to the Sengoku Jidai (the Warring States period) and encounters Uesugi Masatora, one of the generals. He decides to protect her, while his rival Takeda Shingen targets her. With Mana knowing the outcome of this war, will he change the future?
The Queen's Knights
Alicia Heart was excited for her first date...until a magical chess piece transported her to another world?! Caught between a clash of warring kingdoms, Alicia finds herself in a realm of magic and conspiracy for the crown. Thankfully, she's not alone: she has her handsome knights to protect and adore her! Can they save her from becoming a sacrifice and stop the resurrection of the Red Queen? Maybe, if they stop messing around long enough...
Kitsune no Tama Yobai