The Best Smell
16/1-19: kanggo currently doing an exam where oh kamin helped kanggo. They're not in a relationship, but they have confessed their feelings to each other kamin wanted some time to think about their relationship before dating. Kanggo has kissed kamin on the cheek once, that's it 191119- ikke droppet,men venter til den er færdig var v ch55
Onward! Maiden Road
For Your Love
wait a bit 090419
Prince Bari
100219: the main couple is together so now it's mostly about the two spiritual beings. Donga loves the tiger Hyunwoo?? but doens't want to tell him because he has forgotten about him (because the jade king erased his memories) Tiger thinks Donga is in love with someone else who he reminds Donga of and is upset. Chapter 57 ends with the Jade king's servant semon or something who has come down to earth to mess with Tiger 181120 - sssssoooo goood! reread the whole thing. right now we have uncovered all their past, we know why they separated and why chunho forgot abour donga (he wished for it because he thought donga was dead, which he was but donga made a deal with hades to come back to life in exchange for a favour, which we don't knwo what it yet, but when donga came back chunho had already acented to heaven). WE just found out that donga is in fact not a magpie, but a three legged crow which fell from heaven and was nursed back to health by chunho, which means that he has much more spiritual power than we thought and that he has been using yohans spiritual power to keep him alive, which means that yohan actually is a powerful shaman, but wasn't able to do much because donga used his power. right now chunho is still very weak, because donga has been taking his power unknowingly and because chunho is so weak it is affecting yoonhyun (?) making him very weak and sick. his soul is now playing with his dead brother in child form and he has forgotten some of his adult life.
Jazz for two
14-02-19: Taeyi's brother died (before the story begins), but he has finally come to terms with it because he started to love Seheon, who also plays jazz piano like his brother. Seheon and Taeyi are very much in love and have had sex. The other couple Tahe (?) hyung and Dohyun (?) who are also in a relationship now. Currently Seheon is getting ready to perform a jazz number with glasses hyung who is a bass player and cafe ownet and knows Taeyi's brother before he died. The performance is the day after the anniversary of the brother's death
Seven Days