Kawaii Inu ha Yoku Nureru
Shiihara, a college student, works hard in his favorite professor's lectures and seminars. One day he joins a seminar at his professor's home but he's the only one there! Suddenly there is an overwhelming confession. In the middle of the hot summer, they have tea and end the day with some hot sex!
Incest (NEKOTSUKI Izumi)
This is the most messed up incest story I have read thus far. Two Oneshots. 1. A son confesses to his father (after raping him) & his father accepts him. The son's mother is actually also the mother of his father meaning they are both father & son & brothers. The father was raped by his mother & she gave birth to his son before dying 2. Three brothers who were all sexually abused by their father have S&M threesomes. The eldest son is a sadist who tried to prevent his father hurting his brothers (mainly because he wanted them himself) & the youngest is a masochist. The middle one adapts himself to the other 2.
Yeah.... continue reading this
Red Hood
Has a bit of beastiality. And features the main character being raped as a child
Berserk DJ - Sway