XxempressxX_07's manga / #medical(6)

Medical Return Webtoon

Ongoing | Kidari studio,Yuin,Yeon jae joong | 2019 released

Chp. 135 - Lee Sangmin. I HATE YOU but at the same time I understand your pain, struggles and hatred. You have a goal, a promise and a genuine friend you hold dear. However, a lot of things already happen. You choose to have blood in your hands. You cherish your friend who holds a big part of you, but you did the horrible things to him at the same. You want to cherish the relationship you had but because of the ill- fated circumstances and the things revolve in both of your lives... Things had mishaps,good and bad deeds and counters that lead to all these choices you all made. I understood it but at the same time I don't. I want to help you but at the same time I want to hate all that is you. The things you did, you have said and what you felt through all this made me want to do something... To help you or to lead you to your own end to finally end this pitiful life you lead into and the one who give it to you.

Trauma Center

Ongoing | Hansan iga,Hongbi chira | 2019 released

Dr. Choi Tae-Soo

Ongoing | CHO Seok-ho, Kim Han-seok, Lim Seong-wook (Akeo Studio) | 2019 released