Hito Wa Naze Hataraka Nakerebanaranai No Ka
Aiso Tsukashi
Don't get me weong, I despise guns but it's funny how these people have no guns in a yakuza den, they were just fist fighting lol
Ai Ni Dekinai Koi Wa Iya
Looks interesting. I like the art, I feel very lucky that a lot of new authors suit my type of art style and pacing update: the art style changed near the end T-T but nevertheless it was still really cute
Kore Mo Shigoto Desu
Junjou To Furachi
I only read until chapter 3 lol. Actually so far, Chapter 3 was the only redeeming one (although it was still a bit too cheesy for my taste). Idk about the others though, I kinda lost interest from all the cliche bullshit.
Turning Point (yaoi)
I've been so anxious these days 'cause I can't find a good read. Glad I came back to the classic authors. AGH IT'S SO CUTE I CAN'T I LOVE THEM SO MUCH I'M GLAD THEY FOUND HAPPINESS UGH JUST YES
Chicken Stalker