Owari no Seraph
Set in the near future, in a world where humans have to fend against vampires. Having lost everything during one such attack, Hyakuya Yuuichirou aims to join a specialized military squad for the sake of revenge, even as more unnatural things begin to occur...
Bungou Stray Dogs
Nakajima Atsushi was kicked out of his orphanage, and now he has no place to go and no food. While he is standing by a river, on the brink of starvation, he rescues a man whimsically attempting suicide. That man is Dazai Osamu, and he and his partner Kunikida are members of a very special detective agency. They have supernatural powers, and deal with cases that are too dangerous for the police or the military. They're tracking down a tiger that has appeared in the area recently, around the time Atsushi came to the area. The tiger seems to have a connection to Atsushi, and by the time the case is solved, it is clear that Atsushi's future will involve much more of Dazai and the rest of the detectives!
Bungou Stray Dogs Wan!
Chainsaw Man
Kimetsu no Yaiba
Tanjiro is the eldest son in a family that has lost its father. Tanjiro visits another town one day to sell charcoal, but ends up staying the night at someone else's house instead of going home because of a rumor about a demon that stalks a nearby mountain at night. When he goes home the next day, tragedy is waiting for him.
Bungou Stray Dogs: Dazai, Chuuya, Age Fifteen
Not long after Ougai Mori takes the reins of the Port Mafia, his right-hand man, Osamu Dazai, has a nasty run-in with a gravity manipulator named Chuuya Nakahara, leader of the Sheep gang.
Fullmetal Alchemist