Riku Emori, a high school student who was born and raised as an alpha, finally made his debut in the elite society at a Shutou family party. The Shutou Family is renowned as a prestigious household of Alphas that reigns over the rest of its kind. And, the one crowned supreme among all is KeiKi Shutou, head of the Shutou household, who possesses the charms to dominate not only the omegas but also the proud alphas. From the first time he had laid eyes on him, Riku could not help but admire Keiki. However, on the night of the Shutou party, Riku’s body, which was supposed to be that of an alpha’s, burned with desire and exuded a sweet scent... The story of a fated love between two proud alphas..?
Plot.exe not found. Pacing 405 has stopped responding. And boy... Did your character and relationship building set off to Uranus along with that d*ck or what? Not to mention the sheer amount of unwarranted assault. No thank you, goodbye.
The Alpha's Bride