Oko-sama Star
ive started reading this so many times but this is the first time ive gotten this far tbh i skimmed end of vol 2 thru 3 bc it got angsty and im not in the mood but the emotional weight of the situation that the author convey is v well done as usual i love the fluster
My Pudgy Co-worker Is a Snack
please i adore how theres no negative reactions or emotion tied to the mc's weight at all bc its SO RARE to have overweight people depicted in a way where they dont make all their lifes decisions orbiting around being fat its rly not even the focal point of the story or romance (despite what the title is trying to sell u lol) sure the story itself is cookie cutter bl but they r cute love the bi awakening love the consent the slay has been slain today
The Law of First Love
Ore ga Mitsuketa, Konbini no Koi
AA?!??!? this author's character design is so good and the story is real cute albeit heartbreaking
My Hot Friend Is Glowing
my my this is extremely fun to read i love it so far whdjsjd
Kunieda-kun ha Kouduki-san no Tokubetsu ninaritai
so the premise is ml prioritising consent and boundaries so much so its almost satirical of the bl genre... he calls out bs and stands for himself.. there's nuanced discussion on sexuality and the mc is explicitly pansexual.. i just know this author is as tired as i am bc this is the spill of the century
Kogarete Kogashite
this author is so CRACKED at making their worlds feel real and alive they give 100% and more and it shows with how every single character has their own commitments and quirks and habits even w the smallest of bg characters honestly the best friends turned lovers part is p anticlimactic but in the way that reality is often anticlimactic lol they are sweet and homey i love that you can feel the ml slowly warming up to the mc as time goes on as well (the ml is what you would call a tsundere i guess so it does add a sprinkle of dubcon feels which i didnt like.. but to each their own since my anti tsundere agenda is an unpopular one) i skipped the extra story ch7(?) bc the underaged child x pedo alarm went off
Koi wa Kitsune Mouyou