Megane Goshi no Sora wa...
This manga includes four stories. The first story follows Azuma Shirou. Azuma has a glasses fetish and for some reason his eyes seem to follow Sorachi Satoshi. This story was so adorable! Sorachi is the cutest damn thing ever. He’s so squishable! I loved how both were so insecure and jealous, it was endearing. The second story follows Minami Kazuhiko as he always seems to stumble upon Sawai being confessed to. He and Sawai have a sexual relationship, which the adorably dense Minami interprets as just Sawai killing time before he gets a girl. Of course his assumption is completely off. The third story is about detective Saegusa Noritaka, who developed a crush on the café worker Nanase Ikumi. And finally, the last story is about Saegusa’s assistant Kirishima. Kirishima has had a crush on his neighbor for eight years. When Shirai Tetsuji is leaving for college, they are unwilling to let go of each other. This manga’s sequel is Wild Darling.
Junketsu Drop
Head of the culture department Kasukabe and the head of the sports department, Misato Yuuji are like cats and dogs. One day Kasukabe helps Misato hide from his fangirls and they begin a physical relationship. I loved the fact that they despised each other in the beginning and then slowly fell in love. Plus the virgin taunting the other virgin for being a virgin was hilarious. They were both lovable, adorable idiots.
Goshujinsama Ni Kiwotsukete
Five stories that are completely cute. First story, Tsuda is forced by his twin sister to cover for at her job at a Maid Café. There he bumps into one of his classmates, Kaname. Kaname can’t tell girls apart but he takes and interest in Tsuda. The next story focuses on council president Kijima and vice president Kamida. Kamida and Kijima have feelings for each other but neither want to jeopardize their current relationship. The third story is about Aibo Shuu, a new secretary to the president of a company who’s afraid to lose his bento making job when the president gets married. The next story is about a director of a school who poses as the female nurse. In the last story Hirota’s sister leaves her daughter in his care. Since he has no idea about how to care for a child, Ogura stepped in to help him. I especially loved the love triangle in the last story, it was so adorable.
Wild Darling