This manga includes the stories of four couples. The first chapter follows roommates Tachibana and Sakura. Tachibana struggles with the feeling of not wanting to leave Sakura, but not wanting to be a hindrance in his life. Chapters 2 &3 follow Takao and Wakamiya. Since high school Wakamiya has been attracted by Takao's face. When the adorable Nishioka-sensei becomes friendly with them, Wakamiya realizes just how much he likes Takao. Chapter 5 is about a businessman who falls in love with his coworker, who is overly helpful. And finally the last story is another coworker love story, Miyoshi is overly spoiled by Matsunaga and fears that he will end up being an annoyance. Overall this manga was cute and funny, especially the first 4 chapters. I really enjoyed all of the stories.
Hitorijime Theory