Torokeru hodo ni kamaretai
Found fated pour but fought off destiny. Esay way out tho: made the dude an asshole, dommage
Please be My Alpha! A Pure-Hearted Delinquent's First Love
Ultra cliche No real development Art too stiff
I Found You, My Omega
Incompréhensible, la trad est vraiment toute pourrite
Shinnyuu Shain no Omega desu ga, Senpai Alpha Kaizoushimasu!
I'm really super glad that Amamiya regained his weight after the "how to become a perfect man" and that he is loved no matter how he looks ♡ Je le préfère chubby moi aussi ♡♡
Kozure Omega to Boukun Yakuza
Trop sad que ça soit finiT^T Riku the cutest of all! C'est drôle que le consentement de soit demandé qu'à partir du moment où ils se mettent officiellement en couple... avant ça s'était balek hein
Alpha no Ie no Ko
Interesting plot and sub plot Some are resolved too gast and mack some details but overall a very good read Strong minded omega working in an alpha compagny as one the best one.
Juliet no Baka