Blood Link
3rd couple white hair blue eyes werewolf x the father of vampire ooooold smar with tied hair just drooling fiha 3 couples mais twila kraht mn jdha bah khlaset -_-
Body Complex
i finished it in few hours, the chapters r short, not a boring story. actually it's nice how the manwhore bot moved from the father to his son xD got me turned on af. father vs son? xD 1 thing that i didn't like is that i didn't understand why did the top give up his future and everything for the bot who was his father's lover and that bot even used him, like it was stupid how he fell in his luv but still it's nice how they went from hate to love.
Snail: Conqueror of Earth
so xD a very sweet snack to have with ur morning coffee, no story tbh xD simply 3 ppl fucking xD 1 bot with 2 tops who r maniacs and only want to fk xD 1 top is brownie and one blond with a long hair :D
Peach Love
a bit childish tbh but heart warming xD was nice to read
Even If You Don't Love Me
bottom gave me mental aids but good ending at least top = very husband material story is like poor bottom in all rich school meets rich top who is the bastard of his family and there comes the fucker who ruins bot's life cuz he's jealous of the top. top had to figure his life out and become strong, the misery in the bot life is just to much for the weak heart (made me cry) (while they spent 14 years separated cuz the bot got mentality of 3yo kiddo) worth reading but not worth rereading cuz of that pretty f of a bot
The Devil’s Temptation