toys f side stories threesome only few pics in his imagination
Lies like Lies
top got raped when he was a kid, by 40+ old man. a short manga with likely short chapters, i read it in 1 day. the story happens in a police station mostly. the sec couple r legendary xD i liked them more than the main. extras r like a separate story abt the sec couple u can read them alone or first story is 7/10 i didn't like it that much i read similar ones before
Hell & High Water
not a very long one, the chapters not long either, it was nice and fun to read. i didn't like it at first , cuz i didn't know wtf was going on and a lot of informations when in clearly too stupid for that xD , but the moment i saw that manly cute bot i liked it and when i caught up with the story i liked it even more, it has a decent story. it's all abt Gabbe, they will discover the real story behind his death and wut lead to all the murders after. hmmmmm if not the soooo much talking it would be a 10/10 but i enjoyed it enough to give it a 9/10
side story 2, ji hyuk plays league of legends and he plays EZREAL OMG no wonder he was the one i was crushing on the whole story kkkkkkkkk
K's secret