Walk on Water
My favourite so far, definitely opened some new opinions for me.
If You Hate Me So
I must admit I only continued for the main couple (Minjae and Hyeongjo) even though their get togethers in the first couple of chapters are quite disturbing their RELATIONSHIP is so cute, had me wanting more.
To be honest I skipped the majority of it ( TOO MUCH DIALOGUE) but couldn’t give up on them, the age difference IS weird! But we’ve got to give it to them they be cute afs. Couldn’t be bothered with the threesome tho got bored.
Complex (MANDA Ringo)
For some reason I just didn’t feel the spark that everyone else felt when reading this it felt like another sad story that actually ends nicely. I don’t know maybe I’m weird but it was cute though
This is what you call a rollercoaster, so many different emotions went into this one. At the beginning I felt anxious and concerned for the main character then angry and disappointed and lastly ALL I WANT IS FOR THEM TO BE TOGETHER. I don’t where the author is going to us next with this one but one I can say for sure. DO NOT COMPARE IT TO ‘STALKING AND KILLING’
Love Stage!!
All time favourite aren’t we all happy were getting a live action.
Dark Heaven
SOOOO GOOD, this NEEDS A LIVE ACTION. After reading this, it was all my heart could think about. Damn people who don’t read yaoi or don’t know what it is are really missing out.
Cover Up
Now the art is very beautiful and most would say that the romance is HOT (coz the characters are) but ....honestly I can’t be the only one that sees that this relationship is...wrong and SERIOUSLY UNREALISTIC. The story is about a tattoo artist to wants to get away from his abusive boyfriend and meet the client that he has a serious attraction to. Yeah I get all yaois’ are unrealistic but WHO in there right mind rescues someone from vulnerable and frightening situation to don’t have sex with them right after
Therapy Game
By now it’s obvious that iv read a number of yaois and honestly to those who also have this is just one on them stories that you’ve probably read or seen before but with different characters, like it might’ve captivated you more if it was the first or not 49th yaoi you’ve read
Kuchizuke wa Uso no Aji