If You Hate Me So
Well I don’t exactly read it but I read the beginning and the end , and it’s just too dark and dramatic for me. I like romantic story bro . With a lil bit of dramas tho but not too much. Edit: uhh fuck I already read it . So I think I’m gonna reread it to have a much correct critique. So first I think I have to tell how for me the last story is the most pitiful. I thunk I just can’t understand how this guy could drops college and be with someone who drug him for 3 whole years ! And the worst is that it don’t even have a good ending . So I don’t like the last story it’s too pitiful . For me the second story is the best . I lobe the two characters. And the first story just like begin really badly but after they are really cute .
Painter of the Night(Yahwacheop)
end of season one.
I'm Yours, Blood and Soul