Hate You, Love You
Good . Heartbreaking in the middle of the story like I like it . A bit messy tho
Shimanami Tasogare
It seems like a really realistic story of lgbtq+ sexuality in Japan and its really interesting.
This is so damn good. The story can be cute as much as she can make my heart throb . Et bref on remarque que les différentes histoires amoureuses, racontent une relation amoureuse à chaque fois différente . Qui parle de rupture mais aussi d’accepter la mort . Bref un manga beaucoup plus développé qu’il n’en a l’air . Méritant son étiquette de drama .
Caste Heaven
Damn I didn’t cry but my heart was throbbing at hell. This is so good . I just hope they could finally be happy together.
Blood Bank
Shit.. I wasn’t prepared for the ending . I think I’m crying.
Nii-chan (harada)
I think I’m never gonna read it because it’s too realistic and I don’t like how the author make the pedo a victim , a thing that I totally disapprove and don’t understand. I just read the first chapter and the last one , and the first made me want to puke(vomit) so I think I’m never gonna read that thing.
My Starry Sky
I should definitely reread it so I can make a review but a don’t have the courage
No Longer A Heroine!
Hm when this will be finished I think I’m going to reread this just for the drama. Like their is so much drama it’s incredible
Never Understand