Honban Ari Joshi Senyou Fuuzokuten
Seriously... the story is about a brothel... there are enough built in reasons for sex that you don't have to make a female lead who would let her employees do anything to her under the premise of business. She's not kind, she's just weak willed and stupid. There is no growth, no development of characters... Just stuff to try and hide how incomplete this story really is. The main female has no backbone. She says she's in a relationship but lets a guy do whatever he wants after only knowing him for 2 days because he says he loves her. Ugh...
Kon'ya, No to wa Iwasenai... Gaikokujin Joushi no Kemono na Honshou
Household Affairs
Ok, so this story is secretly a sex, infidelity, action, assassin organization manga filled with crazy people... No really... All the characters are bat shit crazy... When the most normal person is a professional killer, well that says it all. Also, everyone has major issues, mommy issues, daddy issues, insecurity, obsession, you know the 'normal' stuff... Then when you get past all the crazy, there is an inspirational story followed by what can only be considered to be what the author originally planned this story to be, prior to the assassin and espionage organization angle.
Addicted to Adult Techniques