Hogu Hagyeongsu
This is a terrible and abusive series. But, it's well written and developed. The motivations of different characters are concrete and in line. the last few chapters seem a bit off from the rest of it, but overall this is a solid manga that shows the ugly side of human nature. Manipulating a range of emotions from fear to dependency, loss and self loathing. Like I said, a terrible manga that is well written considering the content.
Hana and the Beast Man
I really like this one. As far as smutty manga go, this one has substance. It faces issues like hate and persecution and the acknowledgement that even when these things are rampant there are people who are brave enough to try and make a change for the better. Yes, there is rampant furry action, and it's decent quality smut, but I'm one of those people who wants things like that to be a part of the story, not the story to be an excuse for the smut. This one manages to do that. It also ended at a good place, even though personally I wouldn't mind there being more because I like the characters, the message and honestly the smut.
Gold (fujita Kazuko)
Pretty good, but a little preachy towards the very end.
A Hot Night With My Boss in a Capsule Hotel
The Guy I'm into Is a You-Know-What!
So cute, a perfect blend of sexy and adorable. cant get enough!
I Don't Want to Become Crown Princess!!
Ore no Mono ni Naranai ka Supadari Fukushachou no Iinari Cinderella
Sex Exercise
This is a look into interpersonal relationships. Yes, the premise is a little of base for real life, but you get to see the characters and their relationships grow and change.
Kono Otoko Moujuu ni tsuki YouChuui Kiken na Kouhai no Gokujou Sex
If it's over then it was forced and didn't end with a fulfilling feeling. If there are more chapters and it fills those holes then my rating will be higher. Happy that this story wasn't rapey. He never truly forced her, he let her have the final say in most situations and would have respected her choices no matter what they were.
Cartoonists NSFW Webtoon