matmat's manga / #megane(2)

6th Megane

Complete | Kaiya Tatsumi | 2008 released

Chuunri is in a predicament - his newest boyfriend doesn't seem to be interested in being intimate, so he goes to his previous boyfriend for advice. Of course, a little jealousy never hurts to get some action going. Its alright. Cute but it doesn't really show the chemistry between the main couple lol. Honestly I like it but at the same time, I wish is was kind of longer. Meh good for a one shot.

Yuujou Wo Oeru To Iu Koto

Complete | rocky | 2015 released

After 4 years, the nerdy megane boy with a bowl cut, who wasn't taken into consideration by his classmates, somehow has begun to stand out and has become popular, finally acknowledged by the other students, despite the fact that his appearance didn't change. So, his popular, easygoing friend, the only one who got close to him in middle school, says: "Before you become everybody else's, please become mine first!!" It’s okay…Not much of an impression to me. The story is cute and straightforward.