Koakuma no Sanctuary
I think my fave couple must be the third one since they both have great personalities. First couple is my second favorite, but the Seme was predictable (I dumped you cuz I felt guilty *_*) and the uke was too desperate in love that I want him to show a lol bit more toughness. The second couple Luciano irked me for kissing another guy while he’s dating the president, and he did not communicate. If he wanted the president to say “I love you” that much why didn’t he say it first or why didn’t he just ask him? The last couple was unhealthy overall.
Never Understand
And I even thought that Aerak and Heeno will be the first to break up... but the author use such supernatural approach to prove me wrong huh My fave couple is Dohoon and Yumin. I want more from Dunno and Kang sunbae though!!! Plus, the red haired guy who loved Aarak sunbae deserves better, so I wish to see his happiness :((
Bamford Koushakuke No Shitsuji